10 Common Air Conditioner Myths – Debunked!
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ToggleA home’s air conditioner is the powerhouse behind a comfortable home. Without it, the hottest months of the year become unbearable. Because of their important role, air conditioner knowledge is practically a necessity. You’ve probably heard things like “the bigger the air conditioner, the better it will cool my house!” thrown around, but are those statements true?
Summit Air Conditioning is here to debunk 10 common air conditioner myths. Not only will you be more knowledgeable in the realm of HVAC systems, but you’ll also be able to eliminate any false practices you may have been exposed to over the years.
What Makes Air Conditioning Important?
Before diving into common air conditioning myths, let’s discuss what makes air conditioning so important. Here are a few reasons as to why air conditioning is so important:
Better Air Quality
One area of importance for air conditioners is providing better air quality for the home. Air conditioners do this by removing dust, pollen, and other particles from the air. Air conditioners come with a filtration system that helps keep the air clean and free from allergens.
Prevents Mold and Mildew Growth
Air conditioners are also a helpful tool that can reduce excess humidity levels in your home, preventing the oppurtunity for mold and mildew to develop. Mold and mildew is unsightly and can cause health complications for the home’s occupants. The lack of warm and humid environments will stunt their growth.
Saves Energy
Owning an air conditioner oftentimes eliminates the need for other cooling methods such as various types of fans. Less cooling appliances being used in your home equals saving more energy.
Maintains a Comfortable Temperature
A proper working AC unit will provide your home with consistent and comfortable temperatures.
Protects Electrical Appliances
Considering air conditioners keep indoor temperatures low, they better protect electrical appliances from overheating. Heat damage to your electrical appliances is a legitimate risk during the summer months, and air conditioners help alleviate that.
Better Security
Keeping your windows and doors open to provide cooling for your home can be a security risk. With an air conditioner, you can keep your windows and doors closed.
Conductive Sleep Environment
Consistent temperatures and air quality free of allergens and other particles makes for a great sleep environment. Air conditioning allows for members of your household to enjoy a better night’s sleep.
Reduces Risk of a Heatstroke
The summer months bring about extreme temperatures that bring about the risk of heatstroke, especially in pets, seniors, young children, or people with preexisting health conditions. When those extreme tempertures hit, air conditioning provides cool temperatures that reduce the risk of a heatstroke.
Reduces the Need for Other Cooling Devices
Your air conditioning can also serve as your home’s means for cooling. Efficient and working air conditioners can eliminate the need for other cooling devices, which in turn will save on energy within your home.
Top Common Air Conditioner Myths
Now that you know why an air conditioner is so important, it’s time to debunk the myths commonly associated with them.
“The bigger the air conditioner, the better it will cool my house!”
You may think the bigger the air conditioner, the better it’s going to cool your home. The fact is, an air conditioner that is approximately sized to your home will give you the best cooling performance.
Too big of an AC unit will lead to inconsistent and inadequate cooling throughout your home. Too big of a unit can also cause the air conditioner to undergo extensive wear and tear due to cycling.
“Setting a thermostat or control system to an extremely cold temperature will cool the house faster!”
This is false. Most air conditioners operate at the same speed of cooling, no matter what the thermostat says. Your home will cool at the same speed whether the thermostat is set at 40 or 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
“Price should be the deciding factor when purchasing an air conditioner!”
Price is not the only factor that should affect your decision when purchasing an air conditioner. Other factors such as energy-efficiency, comfort needs, and the amount of time you’re planning to stay in that current home are all equally important factors to consider.
“Turn off your air conditioner when you leave the house!”
Actually, it’s smart to not turn your air conditioner off. Since your air conditioner plays a major role in reducing the amount of humidity in your home, turning it off while you aren’t home will lead to indoor air quality issues. Who wants to come back to a home that is hot and muggy?
“The location of the thermostat location isn’t important.”
A thermostat should be installed on the interior wall of your home. A thermostat’s exposure to direct sunlight, drafts, doorway, skylights and windows can affect HVAC performance and efficiency.
“Closing vents to select rooms in your home will save you money.”
Deciding to close vents throughout your home can throw off the cooling balance of the air conditioner. This can create an inconsistency in temperatures in your home, leaving certain areas feeling uncomfortable.
“Maintenance plans do not affect an air conditioner’s efficiency.”
Maintenance plans can prevent minor issues from turning into expensive major problems over time. These plans maintain your AC’s efficiency and can even extend the life of your HVAC equipment, thus, avoiding costly repairs.
“The air conditioning unit needs new refrigerant every year.”
Refrigerant charges directly affect the performance and efficiency of your air conditioner. It’s also crucial to exactly match the manufacturer’s specification in terms of amount. Refrigerant should never be undercharged or overcharged. Consult with the HVAC professionals at Summit Air Conditioning for help.
“Purchasing an energy-efficient air conditioner will not save on energy costs.”
Air conditioners with a high SEER rating (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) often cost less to run than those with a lower SEER rating in the same space. Factors such as correct equipment sizing, sealed ducts, filter cleanliness, and your home’s energy efficiency contribute to the overall expense of cooling your home.
“I dust and vacuum my house, so I don’t need to change my air filters.”
Dusting and vacuuming your home won’t eliminate the need to change your air conditioner’s air filters. You’ll find that the air filter will still be dirty and need cleaning or replacement.
Schedule Regular AC Maintenance
Want a dependable air conditioner that provides effective cooling and comfortability for the whole home? Schedule regular AC maintenance today with our team of professionals. Summit Air Conditioning is the go-to company for AC services in the Las Vegas, Nevada area.
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